We collate the daily consumption of unabated massive Philippine extra judicial killings and corruption since 2001 to enable the International Community and Filipino to view. Opposition leaders, journalist, church leaders, farmers are murdered (780+ since 2001 and rising every day).

Monday, November 27, 2006

Alvin S. Valdez (m), aged 22 was reportedly arrested by men believed to be police officers on 16 July. Local police have denied knowledge of his arrest or whereabouts, and there are unconfirmed reports that he may have been killed.
He was sleeping at his girlfriend’s family home in Kidapawan City, on Mindanao, when armed men wearing balaclavas kicked open the door at 1.45am. Eyewitnesses have said in sworn affidavits that one of the men was not wearing a balaclava, and they recognised him as the Chief of Police of Kidapawan. They say he ordered the other men to search the house for a gun, while the family were held at gunpoint.
They did not find a gun, but arrested Alvin Valdez and took him away. The following morning the family searched for Alvin Valdez in local jails and police stations, without success.
They then filed a habeas corpus petition, asking the court to order the police to produce Valdez in court and establish the lawfulness of his detention, but during the hearing the Chief of Police denied ordering his men to arrest Valdez, or being present when he was taken away


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